You have your resume and requirements on hand and you’re all set to try out your luck and look for a job. While some might prefer checking out the classified ads section of the newspaper and walking into offices to inquire about job openings, there are many who would prefer applying online. Regardless of job positions and companies, online applications have been doing the runs these past few years, and we had enumerated a few reasons to justify that:
The days of paper processes are way behind us, or at least when it comes to job applications. Of course, our government would still handle our personal information by paper trail, but when it comes to private sectors like big corporations and companies, getting a word to and from their HR department is just a click away. When a position would require immediate hiring, a company’s needs would be posted in an online ad or job portal. This way, many would be able to see their announcement. This is also good for the people looking for a job as the opportunity to get hired is literally just a couple of clicks away. Once the resume and other requirements have been sent, it’s going to be just a matter of time before an applicant is called for an interview.
2. More convenient than walk-ins.
The day-to-day operations in offices make walk-ins disadvantageous. Recruiters have a set schedule for the workday and might not have time to review your profile and compare it to what they are looking for. Regardless of education and experience, if a candidate does not happen to pass a company’s criteria for the position, then both the company and the applicant have wasted time and resources for nothing. Remember, this is one of the main reasons why job portals exist, so companies may already pre-qualify if an applicant is the missing talent they have been looking for. A face-to-face meeting between the Recruiter and the candidate will still have to happen but through the online application system, the screening and recruitment process is shortened.
Submitting physical resumes would not only make it risky for others to see, it would also be a hassle when it suddenly goes missing and the Recruiters would have to request another copy of an applicant’s resume. Because of the amount of personal information in this type of document, it is important that it would not be put in the hands of the wrong people. The online application saves applicants from the hassle of experiencing these mishaps and allows them to directly send their resume and profile to the Recruitment Team.
Given these advantages of applying online, why not try out and apply for a job abroad? Staffhouse, a 100% Filipino-owned corporation, has been recruiting top-level professionals since it started in 1999 and has established its name in the field, trusted by both workforce candidates and the world’s biggest companies. To view the job postings available, visit