15 Hamston Street, West +632-8913 3333 info@staffhouse.com

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123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

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+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85

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March 31, 2024 Comments (0)

List of In-Demand Jobs in Austria: Top Industries for International Applicants (2024)

With a rich culture and thriving economy, Austria presents many exciting job opportunities for employers and employees worldwide. However, navigating the intricacies of the job market and finding the perfect match can be challenging. This is where a recruitment agency comes in. They streamline the recruitment and application process...

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March 25, 2024 Comments (0)

Challenges in Matching Job with Candidate Expertise

Assembling a high-performing team is vital, but the hunt for job-fit employees often feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. Mismatched hires not only disrupt productivity but also strain finances and dampen team spirit. This problem is exacerbated when employing workers from other countries. How exactly can...

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March 20, 2024 Comments (0)

Austrian Employer’s Guide: Legal Considerations for Filipino Workers

In the vibrant Austrian job market, tapping into the potential of Filipino workers can be a game-changer. With their stellar work ethic, adaptability, and top-notch communication skills, Filipinos seamlessly blend into diverse workplaces globally. However, the challenge is securing their work permits and visas. As an employer, legally hiring...

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March 16, 2024 Comments (0)

Hiring Filipino Workers in the New Zealand Automotive Industry

Even though New Zealand doesn’t produce cars, it’s considered one of the most promising and fastest-growing automobile markets in the world. In fact, the market size of the country’s motor vehicle retailing industry is $14.7 billion as of 2023. However, the New Zealand automotive industry comes with many problems...

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March 11, 2024 Comments (0)

Hiring Skilled Filipino Construction Workers in New Zealand

As the fifth largest industry in New Zealand, construction plays a pivotal role in the country’s economy. Residential buildings alone accounted for approximately NZD$23.7 billion as of September 2023, underlining its substantial contribution. Despite recent fluctuations, there remains a persistent demand for skilled employees in the sector. The country...

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March 9, 2024 Comments (0)

Staffhouse’s Partnership with the Government of New Brunswick for Healthcare Worker Recruitment

As an agency for Canada in the Philippines, Staffhouse International Resources is committed to closing Canada’s skills gap, particularly in New Brunswick’s healthcare sector. Teaming up with the Government of New Brunswick, we aim to tackle the province’s pressing shortage of healthcare workers. This partnership signals a significant move...

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March 5, 2024 Comments (0)

Leveraging Technology to Hire Filipino Workers for Canadian Businesses

Navigating the intricate steps of the recruitment and hiring process can often feel like a complex dance. From posting job openings to sifting through resumes and conducting interviews, each move requires precision. Hiring workers from other countries, like the Philippines, can bring a wider range of talent and perspectives...

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