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March 20, 2024 Comments (0)

Austrian Employer’s Guide: Legal Considerations for Filipino Workers

In the vibrant Austrian job market, tapping into the potential of Filipino workers can be a game-changer. With their stellar work ethic, adaptability, and top-notch communication skills, Filipinos seamlessly blend into diverse workplaces globally.

However, the challenge is securing their work permits and visas. As an employer, legally hiring Filipino workers is not just a regulatory necessity but an opportunity to harness a skilled and dynamic workforce seamlessly. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone—an overseas employment agency in the Philippines can support you in this endeavour.

This blog is your simplified guide to complying with Philippine and Austrian labour laws when hiring Filipino talents. Let’s explore the steps for hiring abroad.


Collaborate with Key Philippine Government Agencies

When hiring employees from the Philippines, it’s crucial to coordinate with the following entities:

• Department of Migrant Workers (DMW)

Formerly known as the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), the DMW is the government agency responsible for overseeing and regulating the employment of overseas Filipino workers.

They set standards and guidelines and ensure the ethical operation of recruitment agencies and compliance with labour laws. However, they don’t directly handle individual employer-employee placements.

• DMW-accredited recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies like Staffhouse International Resources, act as intermediaries between foreign employers and Filipino workers. The DMW authorizes and regulates these agencies to ensure a legal and ethical recruitment process. You can partner with these agencies for efficient and compliant hiring.


3 Types of Austrian Visas for Foreign Workers

There are three main types of visas Filipinos can apply for or you can sponsor on their behalf.

Visa Type Red-White-Red Card EU Blue Card Jobseeker Visa
Purpose For qualified third-country workers Attract highly skilled non-EU workers For individuals seeking employment prospects
Validity Maximum two years Maximum four years Maximum six months
Eligibility Depends on a specific job offer or key worker High qualification and a binding job offer Jobseekers actively seeking employment
Job Flexibility Tied to a specific employer and job position Allows flexibility to change jobs within EU Temporary stay for job hunting
Minimum Salary Must meet the specific salary threshold Higher minimum salary requirement No specific salary requirement


Austria Visa Requirements

Make sure your employees have the following documents for their visa application.

Visa application form
Visa fees
Letter of purpose or cover letter
Recent ID photos
Travel insurance
Civil status documents
Proof of lodging, employment, and financial means


How to Obtain an Austrian Work Permit and Visa for Foreign Employees

Once your employees have completed their requirements, follow the hiring process steps below to sponsor work permits for your Filipino workers.

1. Apply for a work permit for your employees either at the residence authority in Austria or a representative authority in the employee’s current residence country.
2. Submit a declaration providing details of the employment.
3. Once the work permit is approved within 15-60 days, arrange for your employees to reside in Austria.


How to Ensure Fair Employment Practices with Filipino Workers

People reviewing and signing legal documents.

Hiring Filipinos doesn’t just stop at helping them secure a work permit and visa. You also need to implement fair employment practices to ensure their comfort and foster a conducive environment that encourages productivity.

• Implement equal employment opportunities

You should treat all employees with equality, offering identical prospects for professional growth and advancement. You must actively avoid discrimination based on factors such as gender, ethnicity, or religion, and embrace a merit-based approach in hiring, promotions, and training opportunities.

Let’s say you’re a tech company with a mixed workforce. A Filipino software developer deserves just as many chances for promotion as their Austrian counterparts. Remember to observe their performance to objectively assess their growth potential in your company.

• Promote diversity and inclusion

Did you know that 76% of people consider diversity important when looking at companies and job opportunities?

When hiring foreign workers, it’s important to show that you embrace who they are, support their culture, and remove any bias and prejudices. Promoting diversity and inclusion fosters a positive work environment, which in turn can boost their productivity and make them stay in your company for many years.

• Address grievances and disputes through proper channels and mechanisms

While employees from different backgrounds can bring fresh perspectives, they may also clash due to language barriers and cultural differences. That said, create clear pathways for your Filipino employees to voice concerns or grievances. You can provide confidential hotlines, suggestion boxes, or regular feedback sessions.

Additionally, developing a robust mechanism for resolving disputes in a fair and timely manner, whether through mediation or arbitration, contributes to the overall harmony of the workplace.

• Lead by example

Managers and executives within your organization should embody the values of equality and fairness in their interactions with all employees.

For instance, if a manager consistently recognizes and rewards employees based on merit rather than personal factors, it sets a precedent for a fair workplace. This creates a positive culture where everyone, including Filipino workers, feels confident that their contributions are valued and acknowledged.

• Promote mutual respect

It’s normal for people from different countries to disagree on many things. Despite this, the least you can do is promote mutual respect between your Filipino and Austrian employees.

One thing you can do is organize activities or events that celebrate the diverse backgrounds of your workforce, including Filipino culture. You can hold cultural awareness sessions, themed events, or even potluck lunches where employees can share and appreciate each other’s traditions.


Work With an Overseas Employment Agency in the Philippines

Hiring Filipino workers isn’t always straightforward. Beyond filling positions, securing their work permits and visas is crucial. Ensuring legal compliance not only avoids penalties but also saves time and money in the long run.

To simplify this process, consider partnering with a reputable recruitment agency like Staffhouse. As a DMW-accredited agency, we help companies in hiring overseas workers. With us, you can navigate the complexities of international employment regulations seamlessly, saving time and avoiding legal hassles.

Get to know more about Staffhouse! Connect with us through our official social media channels:

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You can also contact us through our website to learn more about our services.