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November 23, 2023 Comments (0)

Streamlining Costs in Austria: How Filipino Talent Reshapes Cost Management in Austria

Working in Austria offers various advantages for Filipinos, including a high standard of living, favourable tax laws, and an excellent healthcare system. The country’s appeal lies in its strong work-life balance, cultural diversity, and stable political environment, making it an attractive destination for local and foreign workers.

For Austrian employers, however, it’s a bit different. Starting a business in Austria entails substantial overhead costs such as registration and licensing fees, potentially high expenses based on business size, and the necessity to pay for a license or registration.

Income taxes play a crucial role in the Austrian business landscape, necessitating accurate information about tax rates and government assumptions for informed decision-making.

Equipment costs, including purchase, maintenance, and potential frequent replacements, add to the financial considerations. Moreover, additional startup costs like marketing, employee hiring, and specific insurance policies contribute to the overall expenses associated with establishing a business in Austria.

This is where working with reputable Philippine overseas employment agencies, like Staffhouse International Resources, comes in handy. Hiring Filipino workers gives you access to a vast pool of skilled labour and allows you to grow your business cost-efficiently.


Outsourcing to the Philippines

Outsourcing to the Philippines offers significant reductions, especially in business overhead costs. Despite facing competition from India, Central America, and fast-emerging Eastern Europe, the Philippines stands out with a better balance of overall cost, ease of doing business, cultural alignment, English language proficiency, and broad capabilities.


Why Choose the Philippines for Outsourcing?

Outsourcing to the Philippines saves businesses 60% to 80% on operational costs. Understanding the benefits of outsourcing is crucial for business success. Here are three compelling reasons why companies opt for outsourcing to the Philippines:

• Cost-cutting

The primary appeal of outsourcing is cost reduction. Companies can significantly lower operational expenses, including labour costs and overhead expenses. By outsourcing, businesses eliminate the need to provide physical workspaces, covering expenses such as electricity, furniture, and equipment.

• Decentralizing management

Constantly monitoring employee progress can be time-consuming. Offshoring allows companies to delegate supervisory and managerial responsibilities, streamlining operations.

• Centralizing focus

Global business owners are increasingly recognizing the importance of focusing on core competencies. Outsourcing enables companies to avoid getting bogged down by repetitive tasks, allowing them to concentrate on strategic aspects while outsourcing service providers handle routine activities.

• Government Support

The Philippine government is backing the growth and contribution of overseas Filipino workers. The government actively positioned itself as a prime offshore outsourcing hub. Supporting industry expansion, skills training, and technological requirements has propelled the outsourcing sector to become a major economic driver.

Earlier this year, the Department of Migrant Workers, formerly the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency, and the Republic of Austria signed an agreement to address Austria’s skilled labour shortage and create job opportunities for Filipino professionals.

The memorandum aims to facilitate the safe and ethical deployment of around 500 Filipino workers annually to Austria in industries such as healthcare, construction, engineering, information technology, tourism, and hospitality. This collaboration aims to fill Austria’s demand for 75,000 to 200,000 job openings across various sectors.

According to DMW (Department of Migrant Workers) data from 2022, there were 5,824 Filipino workers in Austria, with significant numbers in hospitality and health services.


Accessing Affordable Skilled Labor

Two workers in high visibility vests and hard hats are observing while another operates a forklift in a warehouse.


Austria boasts a thriving job market with abundant opportunities for skilled workers, particularly in IT, life sciences, and more sectors.

With its diverse, English-proficient, and highly trained workforce, the Philippines stands out as an ideal destination for businesses seeking talent across various fields. With a literacy rate of 93%, English is widely spoken and taught in schools, facilitating effective communication with foreign managers, and eliminating the need for translation in training materials.

The Philippines also has a service-oriented culture, making Filipino talent an ideal match for customer support roles. Filipinos prioritize exceptional service, making business expenses worth every penny. To find the perfect talent to help your business, working with an established, DMW-accredited agency is always best to ensure a safe employment process for employees and employers.


Is it possible to secure a job in Austria without knowing German?

While German is Austria’s national language, 73% of Austrians possess advanced English skills and are proficient in using English as a second language. English is also commonly used in specific sectors, such as international companies, startups, research institutions, hospitality, and some tech-related fields.

Filipinos bring a unique and globally recognized work ethic to any team. Filipinos exhibit agility, swiftness, and a readiness to exceed expectations, highlighting a solid work ethic. Known for their resourcefulness, they adeptly navigate challenges, contributing significantly to business growth. Their ability to address issues independently also saves valuable time for Austrian business owners.


Job Opportunities for Filipinos in Austria

In Austria, certain professions are in high demand, offering job opportunities for skilled workers. As of 2023, the shortage occupations in Austria include:

  •  • Engineers and technicians: power engineers, agricultural machinery engineers, telecommunications engineers, mechanical engineers,  data processing engineers.
  • Healthcare professionals: nurses, physicians, medical technology specialists, denture technicians.
  • Gastronomy and hospitality employees: restaurant chefs, coffee product makers, butchers, estate managers, store assistants, bakers, waiters/waitresses.
  • Business specialists: payroll accountants, certified public accountants, business administrators, accountants, and billing accountants.
  • Physical employees: floor and wall tilers, pavers, special floor layers, bricklayers, and carpenters.

For a comprehensive list of Austria’s skills shortage areas, visit https://www.migration.gv.at/en/types-of-immigration/permanent-immigration/austria-wide-shortage-occupations/


Partner with a Credible Recruitment Firm in the Philippines

Austria excels above the global average in jobs, health, environmental quality, social connections, safety, and life satisfaction.

For assistance in finding job opportunities in Austria for Filipinos, turn to Staffhouse International Resources. Since 1999, we have connected employers with quality talents and supported job seekers. We have deployed over 30,000 Filipinos across six continents in various fields. Like most people, these Filipinos yearned to work overseas to secure better pay and provide better for their families.

Unlock your business’s full potential with Staffhouse! Our top-notch recruitment services can help business owners fill in vacancies with skilled Filipino talent and help them manage overhead costs.


Connect with us on our official social media channels or contact us through our website to learn more about our services.

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