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November 7, 2023 Comments (0)

Bridging Cultures: How Philippine Agencies Prepare Workers for Canada’s Diverse Workplaces

Embarking on a new job is a significant step, and doing so in a foreign country, such as Canada, with unfamiliar surroundings and a non-native language, adds an extra layer of challenge.

The Philippines is among Canada’s top five leading countries for new immigrants. As of June 2023, 957,355 Canadians with Filipino roots proudly call Canada home.

A recent Social Weather Station survey revealed that 7% of Filipino adults sought jobs abroad, Canada being the most preferred destination. Other top choices included Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Japan, Qatar, and the US.

Fortunately for Pinoys, there are many agencies for jobs in Canada, such as Staffhouse International Resources, that will help them achieve those job opportunities abroad. Filipinos are well-positioned for selection as economic-class immigrants, given their high English proficiency, education, and professional work experience.


Understanding the Canadian Workplace Culture

• Canada values the importance of diversity in the workplace

Canada’s population is very diverse, and it has proven that it can coexist harmoniously. Be prepared to collaborate with people from various backgrounds when you move to Canada and seize the chance to learn from others

• Pay attention to verbal cues, body language

In Canadian organizations, communication is typically indirect. Be attuned to verbal cues and non-verbal signals to prevent misunderstandings.

• Language may play a role in jobs in the French-Canadian region

French proficiency may impact your job prospects in Canada, particularly in Québec. Knowledge of French is a requirement in specific programs for transitioning from temporary to permanent status. Consider taking French courses in your home country to meet these language requirements.

• Canada often adapts a non-hierarchical structure at work

This may be a culture shock for Filipinos, but many Canadian companies adopt non-hierarchical structures, emphasizing teamwork over traditional hierarchies. Managers often seek feedback from entry-level employees, which ultimately promotes inclusivity in the workplace.

• Canadian employers value initiative

In the fast-paced business environment, employers appreciate initiative. Once you’ve mastered your priorities and time management, consider contributing to team projects or resources to enhance your team’s success and achievements.

• Time management is valued in Canada

Canadians value punctuality, expecting a 15-minute wait limit for meetings. Lateness, even in senior roles, is viewed as rude and disrespectful.


The Role of Philippine Agencies in Promoting Inclusivity

Workplace diversity is vital for fostering a successful business, particularly regarding employee engagement and corporate wellness. It promotes creativity and innovation by harnessing team members’ diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, from leadership to frontline and mobile workers.

Recruitment agencies need to lead the way in workplace diversity and inclusivity initiatives for Filipinos; that’s why Staffhouse excels in meeting diverse human resources needs across global industries. We collaborate with top-tier companies worldwide, prioritizing the welfare of our deployed professionals.


Collaboration with Canadian Employers

Two healthcare professionals in blue scrubs engaged in a discussion over a digital tablet in a clinical setting.


Canada provides numerous immigration and work permit options for skilled workers, businesspeople, and families.

Staffhouse actively works with Canadian employers to implement inclusive hiring practices, encouraging diversity in the workforce. We also collaborate with Canadian agencies to ensure Filipino talents are well-equipped to navigate challenges and adjust to new workplace cultures seamlessly.

Our extensive partnerships span various sectors, including Agriculture, Automotive, Healthcare, IT, Manufacturing, and more. Notable clients include Pepsi-Cola International, McDonald’s Canada, and BMW, reflecting our decade-long commitment to excellence and international growth.

Since our establishment in 1999, our primary goal has been to establish fair recruitment corridors for Filipinos yearning for better lives for themselves and their families. Over the years, we have facilitated employers in finding quality talent and supported job seekers in their journey.


Minding the Gap

The impacts of COVID-19 will persist in our world and workplaces into 2024, and employers and employees will continue to navigate a post-pandemic workplace, including ethical leadership, improving work ethics, and fostering corporate wellness.

Canadian employers expect high yet fair standards, seeking employees with a cooperative, courteous, flexible, and efficient work approach. Continuous workplace learning can enhance employee skills, improve knowledge retention, foster innovation, boost morale, and elevate overall performance.

Diversity and equity will remain a hot recruitment trend well into 2024, and employers are keen to address systemic inequalities and improve discriminatory systems about this trend.

Staffhouse is committed to offering top-notch employment opportunities to the nation’s skilled workforce and professionals, showcasing the Philippines’ best to the global labor market. We are dedicated to prioritizing inclusivity and corporate wellness for Filipinos as we value the importance of diversity in the workplace.

Whether you’re an employer seeking qualified personnel or an applicant looking for work abroad, experience our personalized service, professionalism, and expertise.


Start Your Job Search Journey with Staffhouse

As Filipino workers increasingly choose Canada as their preferred destination, navigating the unfamiliar Canadian workplace culture becomes paramount for a successful transition.

The emphasis on understanding Canadian workplace dynamics, collaboration with Canadian employers, and addressing the impacts of COVID-19 underscores the commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

Browsing through agencies for jobs in Canada? Look no further because Staffhouse International Resources is your trusted partner. We have deployed over 30,000 workers for big companies in partner countries, including Canada.


Connect with us to find the right job for you! Stay updated on exciting opportunities through our official social media channels:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/staffhouseintl
Instagram: https://instagram.com/staffhouseintl
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@staffhouseintl
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Staffhouseintl

You can also contact us through our website to learn more about our services.