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June 29, 2023 Comments (0)

Effective Leadership Strategies for Managing Filipino Employees in Canada

It goes without saying that proper employee management and effective leadership are crucial in every workplace, especially if you have a diverse and inclusive workforce. For instance, if you’re an employer hiring or managing Filipino employees in Canada, you must understand how they work and communicate to create a supportive environment and ensure job satisfaction.

However, some companies fail to do so because they lack time and resources. If you have the same problem, consider partnering with a recruitment agency.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of employee management and effective leadership and how a Canada job recruitment agency can help organize your workforce.


Fundamental Principles of Leadership

Business leaders and workforce managers have specific responsibilities that can lead to disorganization when ignored or unmanaged. As such, they must embody certain traits to perform well and nurture a productive workforce. Here are leadership principles you should have before onboarding more workers into your organization.


  • Vision
    Effective leaders have a clear, inspiring vision of the future that motivates and guides their team toward shared goals and objectives.


  • Integrity
    Leaders with integrity demonstrate honesty, ethical behavior, and consistency in their actions. They uphold moral and ethical principles to earn their team’s trust and respect.


  • Communication
    Strong communication skills are essential for leaders. They listen actively, express ideas clearly, and provide feedback effectively. Open and transparent communication fosters trust and understanding within the team.


  • Accountability
    Real leaders hold themselves and their team members accountable for their actions and outcomes. They take responsibility for their decisions, set clear expectations, and ensure that individuals are answerable for their performance.


  • Adaptability
    Effective leaders are adaptable and open to change. They embrace innovation, demonstrate flexibility, and respond positively to evolving circumstances. Adapting to change allows leaders to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.


  • Empowerment
    Leaders delegate authority, provide autonomy, and encourage individual growth and development to empower their team members. They foster a culture that promotes ownership and initiative.


  • Emotional intelligence
    Leaders with high emotional intelligence are aware of their own emotions and those of others. They navigate interpersonal relationships with empathy, self-awareness, and effective interpersonal skills.


  • Collaboration
    Leaders foster a collaborative and inclusive work environment. They encourage teamwork, value diverse perspectives, and create opportunities for collaboration and cooperation among team members.


  • Continuous learning
    Effective leaders are committed to continuous learning and personal development. They seek new knowledge, embrace feedback, and strive to improve their leadership skills and abilities.


  • Inspiration and motivation
    Leaders inspire and motivate their team members. They lead by example, motivate through positive reinforcement, and inspire others to achieve their full potential.


Understanding Filipino Culture

Working with a Filipino workforce can be difficult if you won’t take the time to understand how they work, think, and communicate. Check the Filipino work traits below to learn how to manage your employees properly.


  • Strong work ethic
    Filipinos are known for their strong work ethic and dedication to their jobs. They value hard work, perseverance, and taking pride in their work. They also often go the extra mile to achieve their goals and contribute to the success of their organizations.


  • Respect for authority
    Filipinos deeply respect authority figures, including their supervisors and managers. They value hierarchy and are inclined to follow instructions and guidelines their superiors set, fostering a sense of discipline and structure in the workplace.


  • Team orientation
    Collaboration and teamwork are highly valued traits within the Filipino work culture. Filipinos prioritize collective efforts over individual achievements, emphasizing cooperation, harmony, and fostering strong relationships. Working together as a team is an integral part of their work approach, allowing them to leverage diverse perspectives and skills to achieve common goals. 


  • Flexibility and adaptability
    Demonstrating an ability to adapt to different work situations and environments, Filipinos have gained recognition for their flexibility and willingness to embrace new challenges. They exhibit a can-do attitude and readily take on new tasks and roles, making them valuable assets in fast-paced and dynamic work settings.


  • Politeness and respect
    Politeness and respect are highly valued in Filipino culture. It’s common for Filipinos to address their colleagues and superiors using respectful titles and terms, such as “Sir” or “Ma’am.” They tend to maintain a polite and courteous demeanor in professional interactions.


  • Family-centric values
    Family plays a significant role in Filipino culture, and this influence extends to the workplace. Filipinos often prioritize the well-being of their families and may have strong family ties and obligations. This can influence their motivations and commitment to their work.


  • Positive and optimistic outlook
    Filipinos generally have a positive and optimistic outlook on life. They often approach challenges positively, seeking solutions and focusing on opportunities rather than dwelling on problems. This optimism contributes to their resilience and ability to handle work-related pressures.


  • Celebration of achievements
    Filipinos value acknowledgment for their hard work and achievements. Recognizing and rewarding their hard work can motivate and encourage continued dedication.


Read about the other Advantages of Working with Filipino Talent here.


Effective Leadership Strategies for Managing Filipino Employees in Canada

Leadership strategies for employers

Understanding the traits above, it’s time to manage your Filipinos more effectively. Here are some employee and applicant management tips you can apply to your organization.


  • Create a supportive work environment
    Foster a supportive work environment that values teamwork, collaboration, and employee well-being. Show genuine care and concern for your Filipino employees, provide resources and support when needed, and create opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Promote two-way communication
    Establish open and transparent communication channels where Filipino employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Actively listen to their perspectives, encourage their input, and address any issues or challenges that arise promptly.
  • Respect cultural differences
    Recognize and respect the cultural differences and unique perspectives that Filipino employees bring to the workplace. Understand their cultural values, traditions, and work preferences to create an inclusive environment.
  • Build trust
    Trust is essential for effective leadership. As such, be honest, reliable, and consistent with your actions as an employer to build trust with your Filipino employees. Be transparent in decision-making, provide regular feedback and recognition, and follow through on commitments.
  • Encourage employee engagement
    Foster a sense of ownership and engagement among Filipino employees by involving them in decision-making processes, providing opportunities for professional development, and recognizing their contributions. Encourage active participation and create a culture where their ideas and initiatives are valued.


How a Recruitment Agency Can Help You Nurture a Filipino Workforce

If you need help with recruitment management, look no further than Staffhouse International Resources to guide you throughout the process. We help employers from different countries, including Canada, find skilled Filipino workers who can propel their businesses forward. We can set the foundations for you should you hire in the Philippines.

Visit our website to learn more about our recruitment services. You can also reach us on Facebook, or via email at info@staffhouse.com for inquiries.
