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September 21, 2023 Comments (0)

Maximizing Online Resources to Attract Filipino Talent for Austrian Employers

In today’s global job market, Filipino employees are highly sought after due to their exceptional English proficiency and remarkable adaptability to diverse environments. As a result, employers in Austria have a unique opportunity to tap into this talent pool and harness its potential for their organizations’ growth and success.

One way you can attract, recruit, and hire Filipino employees is to leverage the power of online resources. With the widespread availability of digital platforms, connecting with potential candidates has never been easier. They can help you stay ahead of your competition and improve your recruitment strategy.

In this blog, we’ll explore how you can maximize online resources to attract Filipino talent. From optimizing job postings to establishing a strong employer brand online, we’ll unveil the strategies that guarantee successful recruitment outcomes.


The Power of Online Platforms in Recruitment

Instead of sifting through piles of paper resumes, you can streamline the recruitment process using digital and online platforms. Here are the more specific benefits of using online recruitment resources.

  1. Wider reach
    Online job portals and social media platforms have a global reach, allowing you to extend your recruitment efforts beyond geographical boundaries. With just a few clicks, you can connect with Filipino talent and professionals from all corners of the world.
  2. Targeted advertising
    Online platforms allow you to make highly targeted job advertisements. You can even specify your ideal candidate demographics, skill sets, and experience, ensuring your job postings reach the right audience and attract relevant applicants.
  3. Cost-effectiveness
    Online platforms offer a cost-effective approach compared to traditional recruitment methods, such as newspaper ads or physical job fairs. Online job postings are often more affordable and provide higher returns on investment. In some cases, you don’t even have to pay anything to post a job ad online.
  4. Real-time communication
    Online platforms for recruitment facilitate real-time communication with candidates. You can promptly engage with potential hires through email, instant messaging, or video interviews, minimizing delays and expediting the hiring process.
  5. Employer branding
    Building a strong employer brand is crucial in attracting top talent. Online platforms offer various avenues to showcase your company culture, values, and benefits, making you more appealing to prospective candidates.
  6. Data-driven insights
    Online recruitment platforms provide valuable analytics and insights on candidate behavior and engagement. You can use this data to optimize your recruitment strategy plan and make data-driven decisions.


How to Maximize Online Resources for Recruitment

Online resources for recruitment

Many factors and steps come into play when recruiting online. Follow these tips to ensure you attract quality Filipino candidates in no time.


  • • Implement social media recruitment

Social media is king in today’s digitally connected world. As such, engage with potential candidates on popular social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You can even use trendy apps like Instagram and TikTok to widen your search and showcase your company culture.

  • • Leverage professional networking sites

Tap into the vast talent pools of professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Use its advanced search and networking features to connect with Filipino professionals possessing the skills and experience you seek.

With Facebook having 87.4 million Filipino users as of January 2023, you can also use this social media platform to connect and post job ads on different niche groups. For instance, if you’re looking for a talented graphic designer, you can join and post on local groups for advertising, graphic design, and art professionals.

  • • Join online job fairs

Geographic restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic have allowed employers and job seekers to join online job fairs. As such, take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your employer branding and attract Filipino candidates without flying to the Philippines in person.

Even the Philippine government supports online job fairs. The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) announced in July that it’ll start holding an online job fair every second and last Friday of the month to bring employment opportunities closer to Filipino job seekers and eliminate illegal recruitment.

For an in-depth guide about information sessions, read Employer Information Session: Tips That Can Improve Your Job Search.

  • • Partner with accredited recruitment agencies

Collaborate with reputable recruitment agencies with expertise in sourcing and vetting Filipino talent. They can provide valuable insights and access to a diverse pool of candidates.

Moreover, whether offline or online, recruitment agencies can help you join job fairs in the Philippines, granting you faster access to quality Filipino candidates.

  • • Optimize for mobile

As of 2022, there are 84.7 million smartphone users in the Philippines. They usually go online to expand their learning, find and fulfill work, and browse social media. With that said, ensure that you optimize your company website, job listings, and online application forms for mobile phones.

  • • Invest in videos

A 2023 report found that 55.6% of Philippine internet users aged 16 to 64 watch vlogs daily, while another 64% watch how-to videos, tutorials, or educational videos weekly. These findings indicate that Filipinos value video content since it’s easily digestible.

As such, utilize video content to showcase your company culture, work environment, and job opportunities. Video introductions can significantly enhance engagement and attract more qualified candidates.

  • • Optimize job descriptions for search engines

Filipino job seekers also largely use search engines like Google for work opportunities. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play.

Use relevant keywords and phrases in job descriptions to improve your search engine visibility and increase the chances of your job postings reaching potential candidates in search engine results. For example, if you’re a tech company, optimize your job ads using keywords such as, “IT Jobs in Austria,” “Tech Company Hiring,” or “Software Developer Jobs.”


How to Search Online for a Legit Recruitment Agency

If you can’t attract Filipino candidates independently, use the internet to find an overseas employment agency in the Philippines for your recruitment needs.

  1. Search for DMW-accredited agencies
    Look for recruitment agencies authorized to engage in the recruitment and placement of Filipino workers for overseas employment. The accreditation ensures that these agencies comply with the standards, guidelines, and regulations the DMW established to protect the rights and welfare of Filipino workers.
  2. Check reviews and testimonials
    Look for reviews and testimonials from employers and job seekers who have previously worked with the recruitment agency. Positive feedback and success stories indicate a reliable agency with a track record of delivering quality services. You can use websites like Google Reviews or industry-specific platforms as valuable review sources.
  3. Research their niche and expertise
    Assess if the recruitment agency specializes in your industry or specific job roles. For example, an agency with expertise in the IT sector may not be the best fit for recruiting healthcare professionals. A specialized agency is more likely to understand your needs and has a deeper network of qualified candidates in your field.


Recruit with the Right Partner Agency from the Philippines

Work with an overseas employment agency in the Philippines, like Staffhouse International Resources, to speed up your recruitment strategy. We are a DMW-accredited agency, ensuring foreign employers and Filipino job seekers follow legal processes for overseas employment.

Follow us on Facebook or contact us to learn more about our recruitment services.