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July 13, 2023 Comments (0)

Strategies for Overcoming Hiring Challenges in New Zealand

New Zealand, like many other countries, has been experiencing skills shortages in various industries and sectors. These shortages occur when there is a significant gap between the demand for certain skills and the available supply of qualified individuals to fulfill those roles.

Skills shortages can vary across different industries and sectors. Some of the areas in New Zealand that have experienced skill gaps include construction and infrastructure, healthcare and aged care, IT and digital technologies, engineering, hospitality, agriculture, and trades. The specific occupations affected can range from healthcare professionals and engineers to carpenters, electricians, and software developers.


Factors Leading to the Skills Shortage in New Zealand

Several demographic factors contribute to skills shortages and challenges in hiring employees in New Zealand. The aging population and retirements of experienced professionals create a gap in certain industries. Additionally, New Zealand has experienced a net migration loss of skilled workers, as some individuals seek opportunities in other countries, leading to a reduced talent pool.

Ironically, the rapid economic growth has also led to skills shortages in New Zealand. The country has seen strong economic growth in recent years, which has increased the demand for skilled workers. Industries such as construction, infrastructure development, and technology have seen significant expansion, creating a demand for professionals with specialized skills and expertise.

Sometimes, skills shortages arise due to a mismatch between the skills taught in educational institutions and the skills required by employers. Rapid technological advancements and evolving industry needs can result in a lag in educational programs’ ability to keep up with the demand for certain skills. This can create a gap between the skills of job seekers and the requirements for open positions.


Overcoming the skills shortage

Addressing skills shortages requires a multi-faceted approach that involves a combination of promoting domestic training and upskilling initiatives, improving the alignment between educational programs and industry needs, attracting skilled immigrants, and fostering collaborations between government, industry, and educational institutions. By addressing these challenges, New Zealand can mitigate skills shortages and ensure a workforce that meets the demands of a growing economy.

To address skills shortages, the New Zealand government and organizations have implemented initiatives to promote training and upskilling. These programs aim to develop a skilled workforce by providing training opportunities, apprenticeships, and vocational education in high-demand areas. They focus on equipping job seekers with the necessary skills and qualifications to meet industry needs.

Collaboration between industry stakeholders, educational institutions, and government agencies is also crucial in addressing skills shortages. Close partnerships allow for the identification of skills gaps, the development of industry-aligned training programs, and the provision of internships or work placements to bridge the skills divide.

New Zealand has also implemented various immigration policies and visa programs to attract skilled workers from overseas to address skills shortages. These policies and programs aim to fill the gaps by attracting and retaining qualified professionals.

Check out this List of In-Demand Jobs in New Zealand: Top Industries for International Applicants (2023).


Hiring challenges for skilled workers

Attracting international workers to New Zealand

Here are some ways in which New Zealand is attracting international talent to address the skills shortage in the country.

  • • Skilled Migrant Category (SMC)

The Skilled Migrant Category is a point-based system that allows skilled workers to apply for residency in New Zealand. It assesses factors such as age, qualifications, work experience, and job offers to determine eligibility. The SMC aims to attract individuals with the skills and qualifications needed to contribute to the New Zealand economy.

  • • Regional Skill Shortage Lists

New Zealand has specific Regional Skill Shortage Lists that identify occupations facing acute shortages in particular regions. Employers in these regions can hire international workers for these specific roles without having to prove that there are no suitable local candidates available.

  • • Accredited Employer Work Visa

The Accredited Employer Work Visa stream allows New Zealand employers who have been accredited by Immigration New Zealand to recruit skilled workers from overseas. Employers with this accreditation can hire foreign workers without conducting a labour market test, streamlining the process for recruitment in NZ.

  • • Pathways to Residence

New Zealand provides pathways for skilled workers to obtain residency. For example, the Long-Term Skill Shortage List allows individuals in occupations facing long-term shortages to apply for a Resident Visa, which leads to permanent residency.

  • • Recruitment Drives and Job Fair

New Zealand actively participates in recruitment drives and job fairs in other countries to attract skilled workers. These events highlight job opportunities, lifestyle, and the unique attractions of living and working in New Zealand.

  • • Streamlined Visa Processes

New Zealand has implemented measures to streamline visa processing and simplify requirements. This makes it easier for international workers to navigate the visa application process and facilitates a smoother transition to working and living in New Zealand.

Know more about Working Visa in New Zealand: What Filipinos Need to Know


These initiatives, visa programs, and recruitment strategies demonstrate New Zealand’s commitment to attracting international workers with the necessary skills and qualifications to address the skills shortage. By providing various pathways to work and residency, New Zealand aims to fill critical skill gaps and contribute to its economic growth and development.


Working with employment agencies

Recruitment agencies in the Philippines play a significant role in addressing the skills shortage in New Zealand. A New Zealand job agency in the Philippines links employers and Filipino job seekers, helping to bridge the gap between the demand for skilled workers in New Zealand and the availability of qualified candidates in the Philippines.

Recruitment agencies for NZ, like Staffhouse International Resources, contribute to addressing the skills shortage in New Zealand. Their role in sourcing, screening, and matching qualified candidates helps fulfill the talent requirements of New Zealand companies, enabling them to find skilled professionals who can contribute to their growth and address their skills gaps effectively.

If you are an employer looking for a recruitment agency for New Zealand to help you with your recruitment challenges, look no further than Staffhouse. We have a large talent pool providing employers with a wider range of potential candidates to choose from. We also have vast experience recruiting for various industries. We also have a deep understanding of the job market, industry trends, and the skills and qualifications sought by employers, making us one of the best recruitment agencies for NZ. We invite you to experience our personalized recruitment service. Don’t hesitate to contact us today!